Did God create evil?

On Senin, 04 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

A professor at a university known for challenging students with questions like this, Did God create everything that exists?
A student bravely replied, Yes, He who created everything.
The professor asked, if God created everything, then God also created evil?
students were quiet and did not answer the hypothetical professor, the professor felt victorious and proud.
There was another student raised his hand and said, professors, may I ask something?
Of course, the professor replied
Professor, does cold exist?
What kind of question? of course there is, if you never been cold? asked the professor of laughter accompanied by other students.
The student replied, in fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics that we consider cold is no heat, the temperature of -460 F was no heat and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature, because we have created this word to describe the absence of heat.
student continued, professor does darkness exist?
the professor said, of course, there
the student replied, once again you are wrong, sir.
Darkness does not actually exist, darkness is a state where no light. Light we can study, while the dark tidak.contohnya we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. But you can not measure darkness. So dark the word used to describe the absence of light humans.
Finally the young man asked again, What is evil exist?
With uncertain, the professor said, of course we see every day ada.Seperti dikoran, and TV.Banyak criminal case and violence among humans and the problem - the problem is a manifestation of evil.
To this the student replied, once again you are wrong sir. Crime did not exist, the crime is the absence of God in man, such as cold and dark. Crime is a word that humans use to mendeskripsikana absence of God in human hearts. God not create evil, evil is the result of the absence Tuahan human hearts, Like the cold arising from lack of heat, and dark arising from the absence of light.
The professor sat
student name is Albert Einstein

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